Yoga Therapy

What is Yoga Therapy?

Yoga therapy is the process of empowering individuals to progress toward improved health and well-being by applying the teachings and practices of Yoga.

IAYT Educational Standards for the Training of Yoga Therapists


Yoga therapy is an opportunity to be seen exactly as you are in that moment. A bottom-up approach that supports leaning into the present moment.

How Do I Know if Yoga Therapy is Right for Me?

Through unconditional positive regard, space is held to explore and engage places of comfort and discomfort, supported by Yogic Philosophy techniques, and therapeutic approaches. Yoga therapy offers a space to be held and seen exactly as you are with nothing to fix and nothing to change allowing what lies beneath the surface to be heard, felt, and processed.

Individual sessions:

Take a deep breath and gently ask yourself:

  • Do I feel stuck, as if “I can’t get out of my own way!”

  • Do I struggle to be present? Get easily frustrated? Or disconnect quickly?

  • Is there something in my life that I wish could change or shift?

  • Is there anything that I'm avoiding? 

  • Do I want to feel validated, more seen and heard?

  • Do I want to get to know this version of me that is here today better?

 If you answered yes to any of these questions, yoga therapy for anxiety and stress relief, nervous system regulation, and personal growth may be right for you. Even if your answers were no, this trauma-informed yoga approach may still provide the support you need.  

Relationships sessions:

This may be a romantic partner, a friend, a family member—any type of relationship.

Take a deep breath and ask yourself:

  • Do I have a relationship that feels stuck? Do we have trouble seeing eye to eye or connecting?

  • Do I want to connect with this person in a new way, to get to know each other better?

Yoga Therapy can be a powerful way for you and another person to explore and heal your relationship together, creating a space where both of you can show up as individuals while being in a supportive relationship.

What Are the Benefits of Yoga Therapy?

Yoga Therapy offers a range of benefits that can profoundly impact your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. These benefits include:

  • Build ability to be with discomfort

  • Befriending and calming anxiety

  • Feelings seen/heard

  • Relieving physical stress & tension

  • Processing and releasing trauma

  • Responding effectively to your own nervous system

  • Getting unstuck and creating momentum for life change

  • Finding more joy and contentment

  • Improving relationships with self and others

  • Deep Relaxation 

  • Clearer Focus 

  • Relief from Anxiety 

  • Tools for Self Care 

  • Relief from Depression 

  • Empowerment

  • Complementing the effects of traditional talk therapy (if you’re concurrently working with a psychotherapist)

  • Better sense and understanding of self

What Does a Yoga Therapy Session Look Like?

All sessions may take place virtually or in person.


Individual sessions:

Sessions are based on YOU in the moment. This means that they will vary from session to session. Generally there is a check in to see what you are showing up with, then opportunities to move the body in any way that supports the sensations that are present. This may mean continuous movement or getting into one shape to stay. Sessions may or may not include hands on assists. Assists are based on what is present and continuous consent. With presence there is the opportunity to listen to what is underneath the surface, anything the inner self is saying then the chance to integrate it all together. 


Relationship sessions:

Sessions are based on YOU in the moment.  Relationship sessions are a chance to be with a friend, partner, family member. Sessions support you each in showing up and being individuals at the same time as being in community with other person doing the same thing. Generally there is a check in to see what you are both showing up with, then opportunities to move the body in any way that supports the sensations that are present. This may mean continuous movement or getting into one shape to stay. This may have both people moving in sync with each other, in contact with each other or separate. Sessions may or may not include hands on assists by the practitioner. Assists are based on what is present and continuous consent. Sessions may or may not include physical contact between clients. Clients are able to share what is present for them and given the opportunity to let what is shared be held in space. With presence there is the opportunity to listen to what is underneath the surface, anything the inner self is saying then the chance to integrate it all together. 


Group Series:

Group series are opportunities to explore self within a community setting. Each meeting is based on a different theme to support connecting into self most. Each session includes a dharma talk on the topic, movement based practice, meditation, and group shares. Clients are given ways to continue engaging outside of group time.

Please contact if finances are a concern. 

We offer flexible pricing and are happy to work within your budget with a sliding scale option.